Deeper * Higher * Wider
Click on the link to the left and get the latest update on what's going on at BSCP. This month's headlines include: The announcement of the Austin Premier of "Deeper and Deeper", Marti's review of the Robert Mckee workshop in LA that she and Mariusz attended and news of Mariusz heading back to Poland to receive a couple of awards. In this month's celebrity corner.....well click on the link and see!
An Independent Film Company producing art house and commercial film, with accompanying soundtracks.
About Me

- Bright Shining City Productions
- Bright Shining City Productions lead by Director and Producer Marius Kotowski, was developed in 2005 and has since completed one documentary and 2 feature films all filmed in Austin Texas. "Pola Negri: Life is a Dream in Cinema", highlights the career of Silent Film era Hollywood star, Pola Negri and features interviews with Hayley Mills, Eli Wallach and A.C. Lyles. "Esther’s Diary" is a deep and fascinating film exposing the internal conflicts among Jewish and Christian survivors of the holocaust in Poland.Starring Juli Erickson, Shelley Calene-Black and Sydney Barrosse. In "Deeper & Deeper" Ryan (David Lago), a charming young bank teller becomes instantly obsessed the moment he sees the frosty, career-driven Angelica (Lisa Marie Lamendola). Consumed by his curiosity, Ryan stalks Angelica, desperate to get close to her. Things are not always what they seem in this twisty tale of psychological suspense.